Vision McMillan Partners Heads Back to Zoning for 236-Unit Building

  • June 22nd 2015

by Lark Turner

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Vision McMillan Partners Heads Back to Zoning for 236-Unit Building: Figure 1
The Parcel 2 buildings.

Jair Lynch has formally filed another part of its massive McMillan project with the Zoning Commission.

The filing, first reported by Washington Business Journal, was made in early June.

An early sketch of the plan for a piece of the 25-acre project, called Parcel 2, was included in the group’s consolidated planned-unit development approved by the Zoning Commission in fall 2014. This more detailed and clear plan for Parcel 2, called a second-stage planned unit development, requires approval from the Commission before Jair Lynch can build.

Vision McMillan Partners Heads Back to Zoning for 236-Unit Building: Figure 2
Another view of the Parcel 2 development, showing the span connecting the east and west buildings.

The Parcel 2 building includes 236 residential units, of which 25 will be designated affordable, and about 19,000 square feet of retail. It will top out at just over 80 feet. The building is designed by MV+A Architects.

The full McMillan project includes 146 townhomes, 531 apartments, a grocery store, other retail and medical office buildings.

Vision McMillan Partners Heads Back to Zoning for 236-Unit Building: Figure 3
Parcel 2 of the project in context with the rest of the development. Click to enlarge.

Vision McMillan Partners posted its plans for Parcel 2, along with a detailed explanation of the project, on its website this spring before abruptly removing them.

The proposed building would be located on the western edge of the planned-unit development site, with First Street NW to its west and private, to-be-created streets to its north and east. To the building’s south are already-approved four-story townhomes that will be built as part of the massive redevelopment plan for the 25-acre site. In its application, Jair Lynch calls the plans for Parcel 2 “fully consistent” with its already-approved consolidated PUD.

McMillan still needs to file an application before the Commission for Parcel 3 of the project, which includes retail and commercial uses.

This article originally published at

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