
Mcmillan Redevelopment

Following are all UrbanTurf articles filed under Mcmillan Redevelopment, from most recent to least.

A Few Changes Pitched For 280-Unit Building At DC's Reservoir District

A Few Changes Pitched For 280-Unit Building At DC's Reservoir District

UrbanTurf Staff | August 27th

Jair Lynch Development Partners has submitted a filing to the city's Historic Preservation Office that would modify the approved plans for a 280-unit ... read»

Reservoir District: 146 Townhomes Planned at McMillan Site Look For Final Design Approval

Reservoir District: 146 Townhomes Planned at McMillan Site Look For Final Design Approval

UrbanTurf Staff | May 24th 2023

Ten years later, plans to construct nearly 150 townhomes at DC's most hotly debated development site appear to be moving forward. ... read»

A New Look For McMillan: Developers Move Forward with New Renderings for Two Parcels

A New Look For McMillan: Developers Move Forward with New Renderings for Two Parcels

Nena Perry-Brown | February 23rd 2022

The development team has submitted new concepts for Historic Preservation Review Board approval.... read»

A Look at the Community Center at the McMillan Redevelopment

A Look at the Community Center at the McMillan Redevelopment

Nena Perry-Brown | September 21st 2020

While the redevelopment of the McMillan Sand Filtration site remains on hold, the public is getting a look at the design for the planned community cen... read»

Opponents of McMillan Development See Opportunity in Social Justice Movement

Opponents of McMillan Development See Opportunity in Social Justice Movement

Nena Perry-Brown | July 9th 2020

Recent news releases intensify focus on how the controversial development could impact racial and social justice.... read»

DC for Reasonable Development Appeals McMillan Demolition Permits

DC for Reasonable Development Appeals McMillan Demolition Permits

Nena Perry-Brown | November 6th 2019

The appeal describes issuance of the permits as "erroneous".... read»

DC Court Decision Puts McMillan Redevelopment Back on Course

DC Court Decision Puts McMillan Redevelopment Back on Course

Nena Perry-Brown | July 8th 2019

Last week, the DC Court of Appeals issued a decision affirming approval of the Bloomingdale planned-unit development.... read»

Time Extension Granted to McMillan Reservoir Redevelopment

Time Extension Granted to McMillan Reservoir Redevelopment

Nena Perry-Brown | May 2nd 2019

As the controversial redevelopment plan for the site remains under appeal, the Zoning Commission unanimously approved a two-year extension for the ap... read»

McMillan Reservoir Redevelopment Team Requests Time Extension

McMillan Reservoir Redevelopment Team Requests Time Extension

Nena Perry-Brown | March 13th 2019

The Reservoir redevelopment saga continues.... read»

McMillan Reservoir Development Gets the Zoning Green Light -- Again

McMillan Reservoir Development Gets the Zoning Green Light -- Again

Nena Perry-Brown | September 14th 2017

In December, the DC Court of Appeals halted the previously-approved redevelopment, remanding it back to the Zoning Commission and requesting clarity o... read»

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