
Could the World's Coolest Dorm Inspire Small-Scale Apartments?

  • August 24th 2012

by Shilpi Paul

Could the World's Coolest Dorm Inspire Small-Scale Apartments?: Figure 1

Earlier this week, UrbanTurf came across images of a very cool dorm in Denmark that made us wonder: with the burgeoning popularity of micro-studios in dense cities, could dorms like these inspire developers?

Featured on Co.EXIST, the Copenhagen dorm has a green, communal feel with the smallest living quarters measuring out at about 280 square feet. Kitchens are communal (probably not ideal for apartment living), and the designers built storage and bookcases directly into the walls of the units to maximize floor space. The circular shape of the building means that all the rooms get plenty of light and have a balcony, that the hallway never ends, and that everyone can embark in “Rear Window” style voyeurism by glancing across the courtyard.

Could the World's Coolest Dorm Inspire Small-Scale Apartments?: Figure 2

While older folks probably value their privacy, this dorm-style living may be appealing to young adults in graduate school or those just starting their careers, like the three roommates that packed into a one-bedroom apartment in downtown DC.

Could the World's Coolest Dorm Inspire Small-Scale Apartments?: Figure 3

For more photos, check out Co.EXIST or go directly to the dorm’s home page: Tietgenkollegiet.

See other articles related to: micro units, smaller homes

This article originally published at http://dc.urbanturf.production.logicbrush.com/articles/blog/could_the_worlds_coolest_dorm_inspire_multi-family_development/5949.

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