
723 Apartments, Makerspace Proposed Next to Metro Tracks in Brookland

  • January 25th 2022

by Nena Perry-Brown

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Aerial rendering of proposed development. Click to enlarge.

In November, UrbanTurf reported on a development in the works next to the Metrorail tracks in Brookland. Now, a zoning application is shedding more light on the plans for the project. 

Hanover Company has filed a planned unit development (PUD) and a map amendment that would enable a two-phase project in Brookland (map), delivering 723 apartments and roughly 18,000 square feet of makerspace. The three-building development, designed by hord coplan macht, will be bisected by a realigned Reed Street NE.

Site plan. Click to enlarge.

The 84 foot-tall first phase would deliver 420 apartments west of Reed Street (Building I), and the second phase would connect this building, via an amenity bridge, to a structure of the same height (Building IIA), delivering 205 apartments above 8,160 square feet of makerspace at the corner of Evarts and Reed Streets. The second phase would also include a 65 foot-tall building delivering 98 apartments above 10,240 square feet of makerspace fronting Franklin Street (Building IIB).

Aerial rendering of Building IIA, from southeast. Click to enlarge.

Reed Street will have extra-wide sidewalks and is envisioned as the development's "living room", able to be closed off during pop-up events and a seasonal farmer's market. Each of the buildings will have at least one courtyard, and two will have pools. The development will also include 332 parking spaces and 189 long-term bicycle spaces. 

Rendering of Building I, from Reed Street. Click to enlarge.

The development would also include 105 to 110 Inclusionary Zoning units, with 5% of the square footage for households earning up to 30% and 50% of area median income (AMI), 80% for households earning up to 60% AMI, and 10% for households earning up to 80% AMI. At least one apartment in each phase will be a three-bedroom. 

Rendering of Building IIB, from Evarts Street. Click to enlarge.

The lots that comprise the 156,653 square-foot site are primarily zoned PDR-2 ("production, distribution and repair"). The map amendment would rezone the southwest leg of the site to MU-6A (medium- to high-density mixed-use) and the northeast corner of the site to MU-4 (moderate-density mixed-use).

The development application also requests that the "makerspace" include such uses as food and beverage consumption, recreation, and arts/ entertainment.

A zoning hearing has not yet been scheduled; additional renderings are below.

Rendering of Building IIA, from Franklin Street. Click to enlarge.
Rendering of Building IIB, from Reed Street. Click to enlarge.
Rendering of Buildings I and IIB, from Evarts Street. Click to enlarge.
Rendering of Buildings I and IIB, from southwest. Click to enlarge.

This article originally published at http://dc.urbanturf.production.logicbrush.com/articles/blog/723-apartments-makerspace-proposed-next-to-tracks-in-brookland/19183.

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