Union Market Terminal

Following are all UrbanTurf articles filed under Union Market Terminal, from most recent to least.

A New Look For Condos and Park at One of Union Market's Largest Projects

A New Look For Condos and Park at One of Union Market's Largest Projects

Nena Perry-Brown | June 13th 2019

One of the residential buildings at Market Terminal and its abutting public park have a new proposed look.... read»

A Closer — and Less Vertical — Look for Union Market's Newly Proposed Office Building

A Closer — and Less Vertical — Look for Union Market's Newly Proposed Office Building

Nena Perry-Brown | March 28th 2019

The developer is requesting to convert one of the building components at Market Terminal from residential to office.... read»

500 Units, Office and a Park: The Newly Released Plans at Union Market

500 Units, Office and a Park: The Newly Released Plans at Union Market

Nena Perry-Brown | January 2nd 2019

The massive Market Terminal development at Union Market is taking another leap forward.... read»

The 4,500 Residential Units Headed to Union Market

The 4,500 Residential Units Headed to Union Market

Nena Perry-Brown | March 21st 2017

The designation of Florida Avenue Market as an historic district doesn't seem to have thrown a wrench into the wave of development sprouting up in the... read»

More Design Details Emerge for 800-Unit Union Market Development

More Design Details Emerge for 800-Unit Union Market Development

Nena Perry-Brown | January 3rd 2017

The development team behind the massive Market Terminal development at Third and Morse Streets NE has provided more detailed and refined designs for t... read»

Pipeline: New Condos & Apartments Coming to the DC Area

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