
Following are all UrbanTurf articles filed under Policy, from most recent to least.

DC's Twentysomething Conundrum

DC's Twentysomething Conundrum

Shilpi Paul | May 29th 2012

This weekend, The Washington Post's Jonathan O'Connell wrote an op-ed that spoke to the troubles that DC may have keeping young adults in the city as ... read»

Experts Weigh In On National Housing Policy

Experts Weigh In On National Housing Policy

Shilpi Paul | April 9th 2012

As part of Zillow's recent conference, "America's Housing Crisis," the real estate website posed one question to a series of experts: If you were Pres... read»

Housing Briefly Touched On During State of the Union

Housing Briefly Touched On During State of the Union

Shilpi Paul | January 25th 2012

While housing was not front and center in last night's State of the Union address, President Obama did touch upon a couple initiatives and potential b... read»

Trulia Finds Proof of Bipartisanship on Housing Issues

Trulia Finds Proof of Bipartisanship on Housing Issues

Shilpi Paul | December 14th 2011

Despite the vitriol exchanged across the aisle by policymakers here in DC, Democrats and Republicans throughout the country actually agree on most maj... read»

Pipeline: New Condos & Apartments Coming to the DC Area

DC Real Estate Guides

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