Trulia Finds Proof of Bipartisanship on Housing Issues

  • December 14th 2011

by Shilpi Paul

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Despite the vitriol exchanged across the aisle by policymakers here in DC, Democrats and Republicans throughout the country actually agree on most major housing policy goals, Trulia reported today. In mid-November, the real estate website and Harris Interactive polled just over 2,000 people, identified by their political orientation. It found that most Americans, regardless of political orientation, want policies that encourage home ownership and allow homeowners to stay in their homes.

Trulia Finds Proof of Bipartisanship on Housing Issues: Figure 1
Results from Trulia’s poll.

The vast majority of those polled were very eager for Washington to fix the economy and the unemployment situation, and although Democrats polled slightly higher, members of both parties were overwhelmingly supportive of policies that would allow homeowners to refinance their mortgages, whether or not they were underwater.

From Trulia’s press release:

72 percent of Americans strongly or somewhat agree that government policies and programs should encourage homeownership. When asked about specific policies and proposals, there was a stronger call for efforts to help homeowners stay in their homes as opposed to helping people buy homes. Most Americans favored making it easier for homeowners to refinance, while only 46 percent wanted to raise the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac conforming loan limit.

“The partisan split in Washington and the recent housing policy debates are not what Americans want from their government,” said Jed Kolko, Trulia’s chief economist. “Although Washington and lobbyists have been debating the conforming loan limit, Americans would rather see more action to make refinancing easier and to deal with vacant homes.”

Americans polled were in favor of renting out vacant homes, a policy being considered by the government. Specifically, 74 percent of respondents supported policies that would encourage institutions and investors who own vacant homes to rent them out.

Another finding from the survey may be be worrying for one particular Washingtonian: just over 50 percent of respondents (87 percent of Republicans and and 31 percent of Democrats) have apparently lost faith that President Obama can stabilize the housing market before the 2012 election. According to data, 57 percent of Democrats and 73 percent of Republicans believe housing issues will hurt President Obama’s chance of reelection.

See other articles related to: housing policy, policy, trulia

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