
Home Buying

Following are all UrbanTurf articles filed under Home Buying, from most recent to least.

Fannie Mae Analysis Says Most Americans Want to Buy, But Will Rent for Now

Fannie Mae Analysis Says Most Americans Want to Buy, But Will Rent for Now

Bryce Baschuk | December 13th 2010

Though most Americans still aspire to own a home, many are more willing to rent for the time being, according to the results of Fannie Mae's 2010 Own-... read»

UrbanTurf Reader Asks: What Neighborhood Would You Buy Into In DC?

UrbanTurf Reader Asks: What Neighborhood Would You Buy Into In DC?

UrbanTurf Staff | October 4th 2010

In this installment of UrbanTurf Reader Asks, the eternal question is asked: If you were looking to buy in DC right now, where would you buy? ... read»

Inflation, Taxes, Cap Rate: Basic Concepts Homeowners Should Keep in Mind

Inflation, Taxes, Cap Rate: Basic Concepts Homeowners Should Keep in Mind

Mark Wellborn | September 13th 2010

The Washington Post had an excellent article in this past Saturday's edition that discusses some economic concepts that should be kept in mind when co... read»

Housing Inventory Rises in August, But Not in DC

Housing Inventory Rises in August, But Not in DC

Mark Wellborn | September 8th 2010

Data out from ZipRealty shows that the inventory of homes on the market in metropolitan areas across the country increased at the end of August compar... read»

The Heartbroken Buyer Syndrome

The Heartbroken Buyer Syndrome

Ryan Holeywell | August 13th 2010

A growing number of first-time home buyers in DC are finding that they have to get their heart broken by losing out on a property before they get seri... read»

Sponsored: Cheat Sheet to Home Buyer Programs in DC

Sponsored: Cheat Sheet to Home Buyer Programs in DC

UrbanTurf Sponsor | July 29th 2010

Few people realize how many home-buying programs exist specifically for DC residents. The city offers a handful of programs that provide incentives, c... read»

The Return of the "Sidelined" Seller

The Return of the "Sidelined" Seller

Mark Wellborn | July 27th 2010

Home owners who have refrained from putting their house or condo up for sale may change their mind in the coming months, according to The Wall Street ... read»

WaPo: Time to Buy, Time to Sell?

WaPo: Time to Buy, Time to Sell?

Mark Wellborn | July 26th 2010

The Washington Post had an article this past weekend that looked at home owners who sold their homes at the height of the market and how and when they... read»

UrbanTurf Reader Asks: Retired Couple Looking to Move Downtown

UrbanTurf Reader Asks: Retired Couple Looking to Move Downtown

UrbanTurf Staff | June 28th 2010

In this installment of UrbanTurf Reader Asks, a retired couple who is interested in moving back to the city is looking for guidance on which neighborh... read»

Home Sales Drop Sharply in May

Home Sales Drop Sharply in May

Mark Wellborn | June 23rd 2010

As expected, home sales across the country dropped significantly in May. Sales fell almost 33% from April, according to the Commerce Department. ... read»

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