
Following are all UrbanTurf articles filed under Appeals, from most recent to least.

How to Appeal Your DC Property Tax Assessment

How to Appeal Your DC Property Tax Assessment

UrbanTurf Staff | January 27th

While homeowners must typically appeal by April 1st, new owners can also appeal.... read»

Neighbors Appeal 219-Unit Development Planned For AU Park Superfresh Site

Neighbors Appeal 219-Unit Development Planned For AU Park Superfresh Site

Nena Perry-Brown | August 20th 2020

The project has faced vocal opposition from a group of neighbors since it was first proposed nearly five years ago.... read»

Opponents of McMillan Development See Opportunity in Social Justice Movement

Opponents of McMillan Development See Opportunity in Social Justice Movement

Nena Perry-Brown | July 9th 2020

Recent news releases intensify focus on how the controversial development could impact racial and social justice.... read»

Almost 1,800 Units Next to Union Market: New Designs for JBG SMITH's Plans at Gallaudet

Almost 1,800 Units Next to Union Market: New Designs for JBG SMITH's Plans at Gallaudet

Nena Perry-Brown | April 15th 2020

While up to 1,769 units are planned in the development, the new designs are just for buildings planned at two of the parcels.... read»

DC for Reasonable Development Appeals McMillan Demolition Permits

DC for Reasonable Development Appeals McMillan Demolition Permits

Nena Perry-Brown | November 6th 2019

The appeal describes issuance of the permits as "erroneous".... read»

DC Court Decision Puts McMillan Redevelopment Back on Course

DC Court Decision Puts McMillan Redevelopment Back on Course

Nena Perry-Brown | July 8th 2019

Last week, the DC Court of Appeals issued a decision affirming approval of the Bloomingdale planned-unit development.... read»

McMillan Reservoir Redevelopment Team Requests Time Extension

McMillan Reservoir Redevelopment Team Requests Time Extension

Nena Perry-Brown | March 13th 2019

The Reservoir redevelopment saga continues.... read»

Appeal Filed on 600-Unit Waterfront Station Development in Southwest DC

Appeal Filed on 600-Unit Waterfront Station Development in Southwest DC

Nena Perry-Brown | February 20th 2019

Nearly six months after a PUD was approved for two of the last remaining Waterfront Station sites, the development is being appealed.... read»

With PUD Appeal, Poplar Point Developer Turns to Plan B

With PUD Appeal, Poplar Point Developer Turns to Plan B

Nena Perry-Brown | October 16th 2018

Another PUD appeal has led a development team to switch tactics.... read»

MRP "Extiguishes" PUD, But Moving Ahead With Massive Rhode Island Avenue Project

MRP "Extiguishes" PUD, But Moving Ahead With Massive Rhode Island Avenue Project

Nena Perry-Brown | October 3rd 2018

This project was another pulled out of the PUD process due to a looming appeal.... read»

Pipeline: New Condos & Apartments Coming to the DC Area

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