Almost 1,800 Units Next to Union Market: New Designs for JBG SMITH's Plans at Gallaudet

  • April 15th 2020

by Nena Perry-Brown

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A rendering of residential building planned at Parcel 3. Click to enlarge.

New designs are emerging for JBG SMITH's massive development plans at Gallaudet University nearly four years after the project received zoning approval, and a year following dismissal of an appeal.

The development team shared designs for two of the project's four parcels with the community last night via a Zoom call, and is expected to file a second-stage planned unit development (PUD) application soon. 

Rendering of Parcel 2, from 6th and Tapscott Streets. Click to enlarge.

The completed PUD will span six acres of university-owned land straddling 6th Street between Morse Street and Neal Place NE (map), delivering 129,000 square feet of retail, 449,000-483,000 square feet of office and administrative space, and up to 1,769 residential units, 10% of which will be affordable. 

"Creativity Court" beneath Parcel 2 residential buildings bridge. Click to enlarge.

The two parcels (2 and 3) included in the upcoming application will deliver mixed-use buildings on either side of 6th Street that provide a gateway to Union Market. Parcel 2, on the Gallaudet side of the street, will include three 5-7-story residential buildings designed by Olson Kundig, two of which are connected by a bridge.

The connected buildings will have retail along 6th Street and school amenities fronting the campus street Creativity Way. The third building sits to the north and has a Union Market-inspired design. 

Parcel 3 building, northwest corner from 5th Street and Neal Place. Click to enlarge.

The Union Market surface parking lot is Parcel 3, which will host an 11-story, Morris Adjmi-designed building bisected by the newly-created Tapscott Street, which will connect to Union Market. This parcel will also replace the lost public parking below-grade, courtesy of the city's controversial use of tax-increment financing.

Parcel 3 building, northeast corner from 6th Street and Neal Place. Click to enlarge.

The PUD will incorporate DeafSpace design principles, including new streetscape such as a covered "arcade" retail spillover space where the Parcel 3 building faces 6th Street. Parallel to Morse Street, a "Green Finger" throughway will create a series of seating and gathering areas between Creativity Way to 6th Street. There will also be a Campus Walk that connects the project to Union Market, and DDOT is planning a protected cycletrack along 6th Street. Future Green Studio is the landscape architect.

Additional renderings are below.

Aerial massing of second-stage PUD site. Click to enlarge.
Looking up Tapscott, west toward 5th Street.
"Creativity Court", looking west toward 6th. Click to enlarge.

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