Updates to Proposed Residential Projects on 14th Street and 9th Street

  • September 27th 2012

by Shilpi Paul

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Updates to Proposed Residential Projects on 14th Street and 9th Street: Figure 1
Project at 14th and Corcoran. Rendering courtesy of Hickok Cole.

On Wednesday night, developers updated ANC 2F on progress at a 35-unit residential project planned for 14th and Corcoran Street NW and a 54-unit project on 9th Street.

Earlier this summer, the Historic Preservation Review Board voted unanimously to approve the concept design for the 14th and Corcoran project that will be located on the site of a Zipcar parking lot and consist of 35 units and 4,000 square feet of retail. The six-story building, which will contain a mix of studios, one- and two-bedroom units, has an unusual design that spirals in along the top floors, creating unusual angles.

Now, the developers need approval from the BZA for several zoning variances in the plan, including fewer parking spaces — they hope to add 10 spaces, though 21 are required —- and a roof that will rise slightly higher than current restrictions. They noted that they will be eliminating a few curb cuts along the streets, increasing the street parking by about 8 spaces. The ANC voted to support the plans.

Updates to Proposed Residential Projects on 14th Street and 9th Street: Figure 2
14th and Corcoran. Courtesy of Google Maps.

In other news, a representative from developer CAS Riegler stopped by to discuss their 54-unit development at the former Fight Club space at 1250 9th Street NW. After acquiring BZA and HPRB approvals this summer, the group is in the process of gathering permits in order to start work shortly. They came to get support for a few minor public space items, which the ANC voted to support.

Updates to Proposed Residential Projects on 14th Street and 9th Street: Figure 3
The latest rendering of 1250 9th Street NW. Courtesy of PGN Architects.

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This article originally published at http://dc.urbanturf.production.logicbrush.com/articles/blog/update_to_proposed_residential_at_14th_streets_zipcar_parking_lot/6081.

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