Anc 2f

Following are all UrbanTurf articles filed under Anc 2f, from most recent to least.

A 49-Unit Development is Proposed for Logan Circle

A 49-Unit Development is Proposed for Logan Circle

Nena Perry-Brown | July 23rd 2020

The by-right development is in a zone that does not require affordable units.... read»

Convenience or Obstruction? DC Residents Sound Off on Dockless Bikes

Convenience or Obstruction? DC Residents Sound Off on Dockless Bikes

Nena Perry-Brown | December 6th 2017

DDOT and the ANCs of Ward 2 co-hosted a town hall about the dockless bikeshare pilot program in DC and received plenty of feedback. ... read»

A Mixed-Use Hopback on 14th Street?

A Mixed-Use Hopback on 14th Street?

Nena Perry-Brown | September 26th 2017

Arcadia Design is planning to deliver a mixed-use hop-back project on the 14th Street corridor.... read»

ANC Committee Offers First Impressions of Whitman-Walker Redevelopment

ANC Committee Offers First Impressions of Whitman-Walker Redevelopment

Nena Perry-Brown | April 28th 2016

On Wednesday evening, representatives from the team redeveloping the Whitman-Walker Clinic on 14th Street came before a meeting of the ANC 2F Communit... read»

29-Unit Mixed-Use Condo Building Proposed for Shaw

29-Unit Mixed-Use Condo Building Proposed for Shaw

Tianna Mañón | June 25th 2015

Oak Tree Building Group is planning an office building topped with condos across the street from the Convention Center.... read»

ANC Committee Lends Support To New Logan Residential Projects

ANC Committee Lends Support To New Logan Residential Projects

Lark Turner | May 1st 2014

Two projects seeking design approval from the Historic Preservation Review Board received support from ANC 2F on Wednesday night.... read»

DC Micro-Unit Project Proposes Going Carless

DC Micro-Unit Project Proposes Going Carless

Shilpi Paul | May 23rd 2013

One of the most interesting things about a new apartment project proposed for Logan Circle may be its stance on cars. ... read»

Updates to Proposed Residential Projects on 14th Street and 9th Street

Updates to Proposed Residential Projects on 14th Street and 9th Street

Shilpi Paul | September 27th 2012

On Wednesday night, developers updated ANC 2F on progress at a 35-unit residential project planned for 14th and Corcoran Street NW and a 54-unit proje... read»

New Office Building Proposed for 14th and S Street

New Office Building Proposed for 14th and S Street

Shilpi Paul | June 27th 2012

On Wednesday night, architects from Bonstra|Haresign presented plans for a glassy, 1920's-style office and retail project near the intersection of 14t... read»

40-Unit Residential Project Proposed for Zipcar Lot on 14th Street

40-Unit Residential Project Proposed for Zipcar Lot on 14th Street

Shilpi Paul | May 23rd 2012

At Wednesday night's ANC 2F Community Development Committee meeting, architects from Hickock Cole presented plans for a new 40-unit residential develo... read»

Pipeline: New Condos & Apartments Coming to the DC Area

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