Three Condo Buildings, 25 Townhouses Planned At Walter Reed

  • June 5th 2024

by UrbanTurf Staff

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A rendering of the plans at Parcel HK. Click to enlarge.

More residential plans are being pitched for The Parks at Walter Reed campus. 

NVR and Urban Atlantic recently filed an application with DC for three, four-story condo buildings and 25 new townhouses at Parcel HK near Dahlia and 13th Street NW. 

The new condo buildings and townhomes, designed by BKV Group, are just the latest residential plans pitched at the huge development where a number of phases are in the planning or construction phase. 

"The parcel is surrounded by several new buildings in various stage of construction including a new multi-family residential building on Parcel L east of 13th Street, new townhomes on Parcels A-G north of Elder Street, and a multi-family building on Parcel M south of Dahlia Street," the application stated.

As a multi-phase project, The Parks at Walter Reed will be completed in the coming years, as Hines, Urban Atlantic, NVR, and Triden oversee more than three million square feet of development.

This article originally published at

Pipeline: New Condos & Apartments Coming to the DC Area

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