
The Best Holiday Gift For The Techy Homeowner: Skybell

  • December 20th 2013

by Shilpi Paul

The Best Holiday Gift For The Techy Homeowner: Skybell: Figure 1

Technology has improved upon the peephole.

A new doorbell, dubbed the SkyBell, allows you to see, hear and talk to anyone who comes to your stoop. The SkyBell replaces your existing doorbell, and is then synced to your iPhone, tablet, or Android phone through your WiFi connection.

The circular device is equipped with a camera that allows you to see who is at the door from wherever you are. If you are home, you can take a peek at the visitor through your smartphone before making the trip to the door. If you aren’t home, you can choose to chat with them through the app.

The futuristic doorbell isn’t always “on;” the video and audio feeds become activated once someone presses the button on the doorbell. You can also turn the camera on at any point via your smartphone if you’re interested in seeing what’s going on outside your home.

The camera has a significant field of view, at 70 degrees, and can be rotated 170 degrees in any direction. It is designed to connect to your existing doorbell’s power supply, but also has a backup power supply.

You can order SkyBell today, but it will arrive a little after Christmas.

This article originally published at http://dc.urbanturf.production.logicbrush.com/articles/blog/the_best_christmas_gift_for_the_techy_homeowner_skybell/7953.

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