The Best Apartment Views in DC in 2019

  • December 18th 2019

by UrbanTurf Staff

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View from the terrace at Unit 633

It's that time of year again when UrbanTurf reflects on some of DC’s most interesting real estate topics from the last 12 months. This week, we refresh your memory on some of the best, most intriguing and most peculiar things we came across throughout 2019. Enjoy.

The energy and anxiety levels at the UrbanTurf offices were quite high during the Washington Nationals World Series run, so it is only fitting that we end the year highlighting a real estate connection with the team's magical season. 

With that in mind, we our refreshing our readers' minds about a new 1,800 square-foot apartment that may offer some of the best baseball views in the city. 

Unit 633. Click to enlarge.

Unit #633 at West Half, a 465-unit development from JBG SMITH at 1205 Half Street SE (map), provides views of the field at Nationals Park from both the living room and the apartment terrace. Many of the apartments at West Half's 1205 Collection will have terraces that will offer views into the park. 

Unit #633, which commands a rent for $7,200 a month, hosted a few events during the World Series and will serve as the model unit for the development's new 1205 Collection. However, two other units with similar layouts and views on the same tier were recently rented, offering the new tenants views of, dare we say it, next year's World Series. 

Photos courtesy of JBG SMITH.

Other 2019 Year in Review Articles:

This article originally published at

Pipeline: New Condos & Apartments Coming to the DC Area

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