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230-Unit Development Planned For Prominent Shaw Corner
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A few months since the developer shared plans for this project with the community, Trammell Crow subsidiary High Street Residential is taking the first step toward redeveloping a prominent corner in Shaw.
The company has filed a planned-unit development (PUD) application to deliver a 90 foot-tall building with 230 residential units above roughly 7,440 square feet of retail at 7th and P Streets NW (map). The application also calls for a map amendment to rezone the site from moderate-density mixed-use (MU-4) to medium- to high-density mixed-use (MU-6).
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High Street is developing the property on a ground lease, and the two lots closest to the corner of 7th and P Streets come with affordability covenants. While the exact counts for this project are still being calculated, it could be the greater of 10 units or 30% of the units built atop these lots.

The project will also be subject to providing 12% of the residential space as inclusionary zoning units affordable to households earning up to 60% of area median income. The building will also include a rooftop pool deck, a public art element on P Street, and 56 vehicular parking and 65 long-term bicycle spaces. Eric Colbert & Associates is the designer.

The site is currently a surface parking lot and a building with a barbershop, which the development team plans to return to the project upon completion. The development team also wants flexibility to change the retail square footage up to 25%, citing the uncertainty stemming from the pandemic:
"This requested flexibility will enable the Applicant to refine the design of the Project as it assesses the significant impacts that Covid-19 has had on best practices in residential and retail design. Furthermore, in the event of public health restrictions on retail operations or difficulty finding a tenant in a depressed retail market due to the pandemic, the requested flexibility in retail square footage will allow the Applicant to activate ground level space with residential amenities, rather than maintain vacant ground floor retail space."

A zoning hearing has not yet been scheduled. The developer hopes to break ground in September 2022 to deliver in July 2024.
Additional renderings are below.

See other articles related to: affordability covenant, affordable housing dc, eric colbert and associates, high street residential, map amendment, planned unit development, pud, shaw, trammell crow, zoning commission
This article originally published at http://dc.urbanturf.production.logicbrush.com/articles/blog/pud-application-filed-to-add-230-units-to-prominent-shaw-corner/17493.
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