Manna Aims to Rezone Shaw Block for Mixed-Use Redevelopment

  • September 15th 2021

by Nena Perry-Brown

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 614-624 S Street NW, courtesy of Google Street View. Click to enlarge.

Another Shaw block may be up for redevelopment.

An LLC led by nonprofit affordable housing developer Manna has applied for a map amendment to rezone a chunk of the Shaw block where Manna's satellite office is located, from 614-624 S Street NW (map).

The strip is currently zoned RF-1 (residential flats; rowhouses) and the applicant is seeking ARTS-2 designation (medium density mixed-use with residential). While details are scarce, the eventual mixed-use development will likely provide affordable housing and family-sized units.

The church on the property will remain in some capacity, and the façades of the rowhouses at 618 and 620 S Street will be incorporated into the new development. The latter commitment comes courtesy of a Memorandum of Understanding Manna signed with ANC 6E in 2017.

The ground floor of the new development will likely include an arts/culture component and/or retail compatible with nearby arts and culture resources like the Howard Theater. "Any potential retail use in the ground floor could provide a place for theater goers to gather before or after a nearby show or event," the application states.

The development team is expected to present to the ANC 6E Zoning Advisory Committee at the end of the month.

See other articles related to: anc 6e, manna, map amendment, shaw

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