Home Sweet...Metal Module?

  • October 1st 2014

by Lark Turner

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Home Sweet...Metal Module?: Figure 1

What if everything you needed for a home fit in a pod? That is becoming a reality with a project out of Portugal in which firm ODDA renovated 19 studio apartments in the city of Porto by adding a big metal pod to each one.

And that was it.

Home Sweet...Metal Module?: Figure 2

Contained within each pod are all the essentials: A bed that slides out from the bottom; a desk; a kitchen; a TV; a dining space; and a closet. Oh, and a bathroom, too. In the Porto development, a couple of the larger units were outfitted with two pods, one stacked atop the other and accessed via a staircase.

Home Sweet...Metal Module?: Figure 3

The project is reminiscent of MIT’s CityHome, though ODDA’s has a a lot less tech and looks a lot more like a gray lego. The addition of the bathroom makes the project all the more unique — and the pod’s surroundings all the more stark.

The units and pods are targeted toward visitors and temporary students. ODDA told the website dezeen that part of its purpose was showcasing an easily-repeatable way to make use of vacant buildings throughout the city.

See other articles related to: modular, small living, tiny living

This article originally published at http://dc.urbanturf.production.logicbrush.com/articles/blog/home_sweet_metal_module/9035.

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