Historic Preservation Office Recommends Approval of Suntrust Plaza Project in Adams Morgan

  • October 21st 2016

by Nena Perry-Brown

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Historic Preservation Office Recommends Approval of Suntrust Plaza Project in Adams Morgan: Figure 1
The most recent rendering of 1800 Columbia Road NW

Despite a recent redesign, many Adams Morgan residents are still opposed to the planned residential redevelopment of the SunTrust Plaza at 1800 Columbia Road NW (map). Likewise, ANC 1C voted unanimously last month to put their opposition on the record.

However, a new report from the Historic Preservation Office (HPO) indicates that the Historic Preservation Review Board (HPRB) might approve the concept despite the neighborhood opposition.

In preparation for developers P.N. Hoffman and Potomac Investment Properties upcoming appearance before the HPRB for concept review of the mixed-use building, HPO recommended that the Board find the design compatible with the Washington Heights Historic District and grant its approval.

Although objecting area residents have spoken out about their potential loss of the plaza on the site and overall dislike of the planned building’s aesthetics, HPO believes that the design team has taken into account the Board’s prior feedback on the design and that their edits were “successful.”

The HPO report also notes that the Office will continue working with the design team on various details, including the design of the plaza.

This article originally published at http://dc.urbanturf.production.logicbrush.com/articles/blog/historic_preservation_office_recommends_approval_of_suntrust_plaza_project/11813.

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