From 60 to 72 Condos: Georgetown West Heating Plant Development Grows in Size

  • January 14th 2021

by Nena Perry-Brown

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East façade of proposed development. Click to enlarge.

If you thought a 2019 map amendment was the last major approval needed to get the redevelopment of the Georgetown West Heating Plant off the ground, you were mistaken.

The development team, led by the Georgetown Companies and the Levy Group, has applied for zoning relief to enable plans to partially demolish and retrofit the heating plant at 1051-1055 29th Street NW (map) into a residential building. The resulting development would deliver 70-72 Four Season-branded condominium units (up from 60), and a one-acre elevated public park to the two-acre industrial site.

The development will include 95-105 parking spaces on one below- and one above-grade level beneath the park. The project requires special exceptions for loading and penthouse requirements, in part to retain the historic wall and maintain previously-approved elements of the park.

Because the building is a historic landmark, the development required historic preservation review and approval by the Mayor's Agent for Historic Preservation in order to move forward.

The redevelopment is designed by architect Sir David Adjaye, and the park is designed by landscape architect Laurie Olin. A zoning hearing has not yet been scheduled.

This article originally published at

Pipeline: New Condos & Apartments Coming to the DC Area

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