From 460 to 500 Units: One of NoMa's Biggest Planned Developments Aims to Get Bigger

  • October 23rd 2019

by Nena Perry-Brown

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Rendering of Storey Park. Click to enlarge.

One of the largest developments on tap for NoMa may get a little denser.

Earlier this month, the development team for Storey Park applied to the Board of Zoning Adjustment (BZA) to permit 40 additional residential units in the planned development at 1005 First Street NE (map). This would increase the number of residential units from the approved 460 to 500. 

Perseus TDC is developing the HKS Architects-designed building, which will also contain 27,313 square feet of retail, 235 hotel rooms with a penthouse lounge in one wing, and 295 below-grade parking spaces.

Rather than requiring a redesign of the building, the units will, in part, replace 3,000 square feet previously slated as double-height retail space. The unit mix will also be more skewed toward studios and junior one bedrooms, breaking up some of the one- and two-bedrooms into smaller units.

BZA will consider the case next week. The project could deliver as soon as 2022.

This article originally published at

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