329 Apartments and a New Grocery Store: An Updated Design For Capitol Hill's Safeway Redevelopment

  • May 9th 2017

by Nena Perry-Brown

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329 Apartments and a New Grocery Store: An Updated Design For Capitol Hill's Safeway Redevelopment: Figure 1
Most recent rendering of the Capitol Hill Safeway redevelopment

Last fall, representatives from Safeway and Foulger-Pratt presented preliminary plans for the redevelopment of the grocery store’s Capitol Hill location. Last night, the development team returned to the community to provide a more detailed design in preparation for review by the ANC and the Office of Planning (OP).

The by-right development will replace the 50,000 square-foot Safeway at 415 14th St SE (map) with a 50 foot-tall building containing a new 60,000 square-foot Safeway and an additional 10,000 square-foot retail space beneath three floors containing 329 rental apartments.

Of the residential units, approximately 70 percent will be studios and one-bedrooms (including some one-bedrooms with dens) and the remainder will be two-bedrooms (including some two-bedrooms with dens). Ten percent of the total unit count will be set aside for households earning up to 60 percent of area median income. The design is intended to create a streetscape compatible with the neighborhood by articulating the depth, materiality and colors of the massing so it reads as several buildings.

The development team submitted a Large Tract Review application to OP in mid-April; although no additional zoning or design review is required, the team will present to the ANC 6B next month. Thus far, the development is still on track to break ground mid-to-late summer 2018 for delivery in 2020.

If you are interested in being kept abreast of the status of Capitol Hill Safeway redevelopment, let us know by submitting your email below:

See other articles related to: capitol hill, capitol hill safeway, foulger-pratt, safeway

This article originally published at http://dc.urbanturf.production.logicbrush.com/articles/blog/design_revealed_for_capitol_hill_safeway_redvlpt/12543.

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