DCmud: Silver Spring Church to Go Residential

  • February 3rd 2010

by Mark Wellborn

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DCmud is reporting that plans are in place to turn a church in Silver Spring into a 200-unit residential project.

The developer Lakritz Adler has been in talks with the First Baptist Church for three years, according to DCmud, to develop a site plan. The church will be replaced with a 5-6 story apartment building and a new church at Fenton Street, between Bonifant Street and Wayne Avenue (map).

DCmud: Silver Spring Church to Go Residential: Figure 1
Rendering of New Silver Spring Development

From DCmud:

“If things move expeditiously, Adler predicts construction could start two years from now. If all goes well, Lakritz Adler and First Baptist will erect a 5 story building (grading to 6 stories on the lowest portion of the site) along Fenton Street, with retail along the front that rounds the corner on Wayne, with a residential entrance on Bonifant. Current designs specify a concrete structured first floor for retail, a garage below, and a 4-level wood-framed residence on top, topping out at 60 feet measured from the highest elevation.”

The location is fairly ideal. It is around the corner from Whole Foods and the AFI Theater and a short walk from the Silver Spring Metro.

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This article originally published at http://dc.urbanturf.production.logicbrush.com/articles/blog/dcmud_silver_spring_church_to_go_residential/1742.

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