A Brookland Church Courting Development with Rezoning Application

  • August 31st 2021

by Nena Perry-Brown

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2026 Jackson Street NE, courtesy of Google Street View. Click to enlarge.

Another DC church is looking to redevelop some of its land.

New Macedonia Baptist Church has filed a map amendment application for its surface parking lot at 2026 Jackson Street NE (map). The church wants to rezone the lot from R-1B (detached houses) to MU-4 (moderate-density mixed-use) which could make way for a mixed-use project.

Per the application, a specific development project is not yet on the boards for the site, but the church hopes to attract one — particularly because the site is visible from the Rhode Island Avenue corridor.

"The expectation is that the underutilized lot would become more attractive for mixed-use development with retail uses on the ground floor and new residential multifamily use above. The Map Amendment allows the minimum amount of density necessary to attract such investment."

A zoning hearing has not yet been scheduled.

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See other articles related to: churches, map amendment, rhode island avenue

This article originally published at http://dc.urbanturf.production.logicbrush.com/articles/blog/church-off-rhode-island-avenue-courting-development-with-rezoning-applicati/18642.

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