From 516 to 419 Units: A Slight Change For Union Market's Market Teminal

  • September 11th 2019

by UrbanTurf Staff

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A rendering of Building D, south elevation.

Another piece of a massive project near Union Market is coming in to focus. 

In January, UrbanTurf reported that the development team of Market Terminal had applied for a second-stage PUD for the next phase of the project straddling Third Street between Morse Street and New York Avenue NE (map). 

Another rendering of Building D, south elevation.

As originally proposed, Building D at the development was slated to include 256 apartments above retail and makerspace. New plans show a 13-story building with penthouse that will have 159 apartments above two retail spaces on the ground floor. Unlike many of the new residential developments in DC, there will be a significant number of three-bedroom units, specifically 24 of the 159 apartments. Additionally, 11 percent of the residential floor area will be inclusionary zoning units. Carmel Partners developed Building D, which was designed by Eric Colbert and Associates. 

The second phase of Market Terminal will now include 419 residential units rather than 516, as well as office space and a two-acre park. 

The development team for Market Terminal includes Kettler, Carr Properties, Grosvenor USA and Carmel Partners; the architect team includes Brininstool-Lynch, SHoP, SmithGroup and Eric Colbert and Associates.

This article originally published at

Pipeline: New Condos & Apartments Coming to the DC Area

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