Amazon Books Opens in Georgetown Today

  • March 13th 2018

by Nena Perry-Brown

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Amazon Books Opens in Georgetown Today: Figure 1

As speculation continues to swirl over which city Amazon will select for its second full-size headquarters, the company is planting a flag in the District.

Today, Amazon Books opens at 3040 M Street NW in Georgetown (map), the city's first brick-and-mortar retail location from the company. 

The Amazon Books stores are stocked with books, games, toys and other devices that are highly-rated on High priority is also given to bestsellers, new releases and books popular on Goodreads and Kindle.

Amazon Books Opens in Georgetown Today: Figure 2
Store interior

The bookshelves will have user ratings and reviews under the front-facing books. Electronics and devices, including smart home products, will be available for testing. There will also be customer service, unlike in the interaction-free and cashierless Amazon Go stores. 

Amazon Books Opens in Georgetown Today: Figure 3
Allegro coffee shop inside store

"We’ve applied over twenty years of experience as a customer-focused, online retailer to build a store that integrates the benefits of offline and online shopping and spurs discovery of great books, Amazon devices and customer favorites from," the company said in a statement.

See other articles related to: amazon, amazon books dc, amazon dc, georgetown

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