A Zoning Change Could Result in Big Development Plans in Brookland

  • March 13th 2023

by UrbanTurf Staff

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701 Michigan Avenue NE.

A zoning change for a centrally-located site in Brookland could pave the way for a new mixed-use development in the neighborhood. 

The owner of 701 Michigan Avenue NE (map) is seeking a map amendment to rezone the property from MU-3A to MU-2, which would permit medium density development up to 90 feet tall. The address is currently home to a vacant single-story building and a surface parking lot, and is directly adjacent to the Monroe Street Market development. 

"The Applicant is pursuing the proposed Zoning Map amendment in anticipation of redeveloping the site with a mixed-use project in accordance with the proposed MU-2 zone," the application stated. "In the interim, the Applicant intends to establish a daycare use within the existing building to activate the site while it pursues the subject rezoning, formulates development plans, and secures building permits for redevelopment of the Property."

While very early in the development process, the new mixed-use project would join a host of new residential buildings in the works for the neighborhood, including:

This article originally published at http://dc.urbanturf.production.logicbrush.com/articles/blog/a_zoning_change_could_result_in_big_development_plans_in_brookland/20752.

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