A 450-Unit Apartment Building Pitched For Downtown Bethesda

  • August 24th 2023

by UrbanTurf Staff

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A preliminary look at the proposed development. 

Add another large residential development to the growing pipeline in downtown Bethesda. 

A 12-story building with up to 453 new apartments has been pitched for 4861 Battery Lane (map), an area on the northern edge of Woodmont Triangle. The existing multi-family building at the address would be razed to make way for the new development. 

An aerial massing. 

The project, designed by Architects Collaborative, would have multiple courtyards and amenity spaces, a roof recreation area, and a number of public pedestrian connections. Fifteen percent of the apartments would be moderately-priced dwelling units, and there would be underground parking for approximately 450 cars. 

"The Project’s street frontage focuses on activating Battery Lane with lobby space, an improved streetscape that separates the pedestrian zone from traffic with a wider sidewalk located between new street trees and the landscaped front plaza entrance to the building," documents filed with Montgomery County stated. 

Rendering of proposed courtyard.

The proposed development adds to a busy lineup along Battery Lane. Brown Development has plans for a total of six new buildings along the street, including a 120-foot, 315-unit project between Old Georgetown Road and Woodmont Avenue

This article originally published at http://dc.urbanturf.production.logicbrush.com/articles/blog/a_450-unit_apartment_building_pitched_for_downtown_bethesda/21389.

Pipeline: New Condos & Apartments Coming to the DC Area

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