A Commercial Kitchen in the Works for Adams Morgan Alley Garage

  • November 16th 2020

by Nena Perry-Brown

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Rendering of 2412 Rear. Click to enlarge.

A commercial kitchen is in the works just off 18th Street. 

After creative agency Throughline (formerly Maga Design Group) sold an alley-fronting Adams Morgan garage, scrapping office conversion plans, the new owner has a different vision in mind for the property.

The contract-purchaser of the garage behind 2412 18th Street NW (map) is seeking historic preservation concept approval to restore the property. The resulting building will house a commercial kitchen on the ground floor.

Rendering of 2412 Rear from the alley. Click to enlarge.

There would be additional storage on the level below this "commissary kitchen". Larson Design Group is the architect.

The property was built in 1905 for luxury car parking; after an expansion a few years later, it became space for art storage and restoration. The building, identified as contributing to the Washington Heights Historic District, was most recently home to The Cheshire arts and events venue.

This article originally published at http://dc.urbanturf.production.logicbrush.com/articles/blog/a-kitchen-in-the-works-for-adams-morgan-alley-garage/17536.

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