A Closer Look at the Next Office Building at The Yards

  • February 1st 2021

by Nena Perry-Brown

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Bird's eye rendering. Click to enlarge.

As the office building planned for Parcel F at The Yards continues to move through the design review process, more detailed renderings have emerged. 

The nine-story building will deliver 272,000 square feet of office space and 22,776 square feet of retail west of the future 1 1/2 Street SE between N and Quander Streets (map). Some of the retail space may be used as an office amenity, and the building would also have an interior courtyard on the third floor and terraces on the fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh floors and on the penthouse level.

Southeast corner. Click to enlarge.

The development will also include 175 parking spaces across two below-grade levels, bicycle storage space and shower and changing facilities, and 3,300 square feet of rooftop solar panels. Brookfield Properties is the developer and Selldorf Architects is the designer.

Northeast corner. Click to enlarge.

This parcel is part of the six-block second phase of the 42-acre redevelopment of The Yards, expected to deliver another 1,200 residential units, 150,000 square feet of commercial space, and 1.5 million square feet of office. 

The Zoning Commission will review the design for Parcel F next week. Additional renderings are below.

Southwest corner. Click to enlarge.
Entrance on Yards Place SE. Click to enlarge.
Retail from southeast corner. Click to enlarge.

This article originally published at http://dc.urbanturf.production.logicbrush.com/articles/blog/a-closer-look-at-the-yardss-next-office-building/17828.

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