New Renderings Provide a Closer Look at the Dancing Crab Redevelopment

  • September 14th 2018

by Nena Perry-Brown

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New Renderings Provide a Closer Look at the Dancing Crab Redevelopment: Figure 1
Newer aerial rendering of Dancing Crab redevelopment. Click to enlarge.

Nearly six months ago, UrbanTurf reported on the plans filed for a mixed-use redevelopment of Tenleytown's former Dancing Crab restaurant. Now, we are getting a more detailed look at the project.

New Renderings Provide a Closer Look at the Dancing Crab Redevelopment: Figure 2
Previous aerial rendering of Dancing Crab development. Click to enlarge.

As proposed, the planned-unit development at 4615 Wisconsin Avenue NW (map) and 4611 41st Street NW (map) will upzone the site from MU-4 to MU-5-B, allowing for a seven-story building with 41 apartments above a 4,971 square-foot restaurant. The project will also have a 1,259 square-foot rooftop bar and lounge alongside the roof deck.

New Renderings Provide a Closer Look at the Dancing Crab Redevelopment: Figure 3
Newer rendering of the proposed PUD, looking northeast. Click to enlarge.
New Renderings Provide a Closer Look at the Dancing Crab Redevelopment: Figure 4
Previous rendering of the proposed PUD, looking northeast.

There will also be outdoor patio space for the restaurant and a mural will be painted on the south façade of the building. The community has also negotiated for public co-working space to be included in the rooftop lounge.

New Renderings Provide a Closer Look at the Dancing Crab Redevelopment: Figure 5
Rendering of the rooftop terrace and lounge. Click to enlarge.

The unit mix will include 21 studios (ranging from 285 to 474 square feet), 17 one-bedrooms (ranging from 385 to 558 square feet), and two 1,004 square-foot two-bedrooms. Both of the two-bedrooms will be inclusionary zoning units available to households earning up to 60 percent of median family income (MFI); an additional one-bedroom will be a 689 square-foot unit affordable to a household earning up to 50 percent MFI.

Bonstra|Haresign is the architect. The Zoning Commission is scheduled to consider the project on September 27th. Additional renderings are below.

New Renderings Provide a Closer Look at the Dancing Crab Redevelopment: Figure 6
Rendering of the building entrances and restaurant patio on 41st Street. Click to enlarge.
New Renderings Provide a Closer Look at the Dancing Crab Redevelopment: Figure 7
Rendering of the building looking north on 41st Street. Click to enlarge.
New Renderings Provide a Closer Look at the Dancing Crab Redevelopment: Figure 8
Rendering of the building looking south on 41st Street. Click to enlarge.

All renderings courtesy of Bonstra|Haresign.

This article originally published at

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