64 Residences and Potential Space For Union Kitchen At New NoMa Project

  • June 9th 2016

by Nena Perry-Brown

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64 Residences and Potential Space For Union Kitchen At New NoMa Project: Figure 1

Put another residential project on your development map for NoMa. J Street Development Company and Nelson Architects have filed plans with the Zoning Commission (ZC) to construct a 64-unit residential building at Congress and L Streets NE.

The lot, at 1109 Congress Street NE and 220 L Street NE (map), is currently occupied by a vacant mid-century two-story warehouse and a three-story office building. Both the structures will be demolished and replaced with an eight-story building with a 3,930 square-foot penthouse. The residential units will be a mix of market-rate and affordable, and there will be one level of below grade parking totaling 16 spaces and 20 bicycle spaces.

According to the application, the ground floor of the new building will be used for “production, distribution and repair” (PDR), which could be services ranging from a health clinic to a neighborhood hardware store or copying shop, or the potential relocation of components of Union Kitchen. The slope of the hill will allow the ground-floor PDR to occupy two levels: the lower level space will be 1,175 square feet accessible from L Street, while above that will be a 2,505 square-foot space accessible from Congress.

As seems to be the trend these days, the development team will incentivize use of public transit among residents and employees with provisions like a one-time $50 transit fare card, installation of a multimodal transit-information and location display in the lobby, one year of paid bikeshare membership for the initial wave of tenants, and an on-site Resident Transportation Coordinator.

If you are interested in being kept abreast of the status of 1109 Congress Street NE, let us know by submitting your email below:

This article originally published at http://dc.urbanturf.production.logicbrush.com/articles/blog/64_units_pdr_noma/11339.

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