400-Unit Apartment Building Coming to Near Southeast

  • February 21st 2012

by Shilpi Paul

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Yesterday, JDLand reported that a 400-unit apartment building may be going up on Half Street SE between I and K (map), just south of the Southeast Freeway.

400-Unit Apartment Building Coming to Near Southeast: Figure 1
Half Street SE, between I and K. Courtesy of Google Maps.

Apparently, Ruben Companies, who owns the entire block, has started planning the massive project, which would have ground level retail, perhaps an organic market, on the eastern side of the square. The project is going by the name 20 K, and the developers are working with architects Shalom Baranes on the design.

The project joins several others that are imminent or already under construction in the neighborhood, most of which JDLand laid out comprehensively:

Forest City’s 220-unit 1212 4th Street is just underway at the Yards, William C. Smith’s 430-unit Park Chelsea is on the boards to get started later this year, Akridge is “hoping” to move forward in 2012 with the 280-unit residential part of its Half Street project, and Florida Rock’s developers have replaced a planned office building with a 300-unit residential offering for the project’s first phase, which could get underway in 2013.

See other articles related to: 20 k, apartments, dc apartments, dclofts, jdland, near southeast

This article originally published at http://dc.urbanturf.production.logicbrush.com/articles/blog/400-unit_apartment_building_coming_to_near_southeast/5167.

Pipeline: New Condos & Apartments Coming to the DC Area

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