360 New Apartments For Bethesda?

  • May 1st 2012

by UrbanTurf Staff

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360 New Apartments For Bethesda?: Figure 1
Rendering of 8300 Wisconsin Avenue. Courtesy of Montgomery County Planning Board.

If things go according to plan on Thursday, a lot at 8300 Wisconsin Avenue in Bethesda (map) will eventually be a new 360-unit apartment project. The Gazette reported on Monday that the Montgomery County Planning Board will vote on the plans in two days.

Here is a quick rundown of details about the project:

  • If approved, the project will consist of 360 apartments and a grocery store.
  • Construction is expected to begin in 2013 and last for two years.
  • Formerly a Clarion Hotel, 8300 Wisconsin Avenue was planned as a three-building luxury condominium complex called Trillium in 2006, but developer The Patrinely Group was unable to secure enough sales to start construction. The site was eventually purchased by current owners StonebridgeCarras in March 2011 for $29 million.
  • StonebridgeCarras has done a number of projects in NoMa and Bethesda.

See other articles related to: bethesda, bethesda apartments, renting, stonebridge carras

This article originally published at http://dc.urbanturf.production.logicbrush.com/articles/blog/360_new_apartments_for_bethesda/5481.

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