262-Unit Chevy Chase Apartment Building Heads Skyward

  • March 12th 2014

by UrbanTurf Staff

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262-Unit Chevy Chase Apartment Building Heads Skyward: Figure 1
5333 Connecticut Avenue NW

The 262-unit apartment building along Connecticut Avenue that caused quite a stir when it moved forward looks to finally be coming out of the ground.

The Washington Business Journal’s Michael Neibauer reported Wednesday that the city has issued a permit for a tower crane at the site, an indication that vertical construction will begin soon.

The nine-floor project at 5333 Connecticut Avenue NW (map) from Cafritz Enterprises and designed by architect Eric Colbert has been the subject of controversy for years. Purchased in the 1970s, the land sat vacant for decades. The matter-of-right project came back to life in 2012, and the plans and design moved forward with little input from the community, to which a group of neighbors took exception. Among other complaints, the neighbors felt that the glass design of the nine-floor project didn’t fit in with the surrounding area.

After a number of delays and design revisions, the project broke ground last year and is scheduled for completion in 2015.

See other articles related to: 5333 connecticut avenue, cafritz, chevy chase dc, dc apartments

This article originally published at http://dc.urbanturf.production.logicbrush.com/articles/blog/262-unit_chevy_chase_apartment_building_heads_skyward/8226.

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