200 Residences Included in Marriott Hotel Plan

  • March 27th 2014

by Lark Turner

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200 Residences Included in Marriott Hotel Plan: Figure 1
The design by Cooper Carry and tvs design.

A design for a Marriott hotel and 200 residences at 9th and L Streets, across the street from the Washington Convention Center and another Marriott, received support from an ANC 2F committee on Wednesday night.

The site (map) for the proposed 500 hotel rooms and 200 residences is across the street from the neighboring Marriott Marquis building, still under construction, and the Convention Center on the eastern side. The developer initially planned to demolish seven historic buildings on the site. The revised plan would demolish three small townhouses and keep intact a historically significant apartment building, which would become residences. Keeping the four historic buildings meant reducing the number of rooms and residences. Holding onto the additional three, the developers said, made providing parking and lobby services at the site impossible.

Because the building would demolish three historic structures, the plan would require special approval by the Mayor’s agent to move forward. However, the developers were still seeking design approval for an upcoming HPRB meeting, which they received from the committee contingent on the developer’s returning for final approval. One commissioner, who said the contributing apartment building was ugly and not worth keeping, didn’t support the measure. The developers said they were specifically instructed by HPRB to save that building because of its significance.

The site is a stone’s throw from another proposal floated at the committee meeting on Wednesday for 125 residences on the Blagden Alley.

See other articles related to: convention center, dclofts, marriott, shaw

This article originally published at http://dc.urbanturf.production.logicbrush.com/articles/blog/200_residences_included_in_marriott_hotel_plan/8289.

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