Young Adults

Following are all UrbanTurf articles filed under Young Adults, from most recent to least.

From Roommates to Nuclear Families, A Look at Housing Composition in the DC Area

From Roommates to Nuclear Families, A Look at Housing Composition in the DC Area

Nena Perry-Brown | October 1st 2019

The number of nuclear families and roommate households have risen notably in the last 11 years.... read»

2.5 Million Unemployed Young Adults Living With Parents

2.5 Million Unemployed Young Adults Living With Parents

Shilpi Paul | November 13th 2012

In the past five years, the number of unemployed adult children in the U.S. who live with their parents has risen from 1.3 million to 2.5 million, rep... read»

Census Data Verifies DC's Pull For Twenty and Thirty-Somethings

Census Data Verifies DC's Pull For Twenty and Thirty-Somethings

Shilpi Paul | October 27th 2011

New York City and San Francisco have traditionally been the cities that come to mind when people think of places where young adults flock in their pos... read»

The DC-Area Version of Mammoni

The DC-Area Version of Mammoni

UrbanTurf Staff | May 31st 2011

An increasing number of young adults in the region are moving back home with their parents, The Washington Examiner reports. ... read»

DC Ranks High For Young Adults

DC Ranks High For Young Adults

Mark Wellborn | March 16th 2010

DC ranked as one of the best U.S cities for young adults in a recent study by Portfolio magazine. According to the financial publication, young adults... read»

Pipeline: New Condos & Apartments Coming to the DC Area

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