
What X Buys

Following are all UrbanTurf articles filed under What X Buys, from most recent to least.

What Around $900,000 Buys You in the DC Area

What Around $900,000 Buys You in the DC Area

Nena Perry-Brown | February 2nd 2017

For this edition of What X Buys, UrbanTurf turns an eye toward some listings for DC-area buyers with a $900,000 budget.... read»

What (About) $2 Million Buys in the DC Area

What (About) $2 Million Buys in the DC Area

Nena Perry-Brown | January 25th 2017

For this edition of What X Buys, UrbanTurf turns an eye toward some listings for DC-area homebuyers who want to spend around $2 million.... read»

What Around $370,000 Buys in DC

What Around $370,000 Buys in DC

Nena Perry-Brown | October 20th 2016

In this week's edition of What X Buys, UrbanTurf is taking a look at what around $370,000 will get a DC homebuyer. ... read»

What (Around) $1.2 Million Buys You in the DC Area

What (Around) $1.2 Million Buys You in the DC Area

Nena Perry-Brown | August 23rd 2016

For this edition of What X Buys, UrbanTurf eyes some options that are available to DC-area homebuyers with a $1.2 million budget. ... read»

What $650,000 to $700,000 Buys You Around DC

What $650,000 to $700,000 Buys You Around DC

Nena Perry-Brown | July 20th 2016

For this edition of What X Buys, UrbanTurf looks in the $650,000 to $700,000 range to see what homes are available in the DC area for buyers with this... read»

What Around $400,000 Buys You in DC

What Around $400,000 Buys You in DC

Nena Perry-Brown | April 26th 2016

In this week's edition of What X Buys, UrbanTurf is taking a look at what a buyer can get for around $400,000 in DC.... read»

What Just Under $1 Million Buys You in DC

What Just Under $1 Million Buys You in DC

Nena Perry-Brown | April 8th 2016

In this week's edition of What X Buys, UrbanTurf is taking a look at what a buyer can get in DC for just under $1 million. ... read»

What $550,000 Buys in You in DC

What $550,000 Buys in You in DC

Tianna Mañón | January 5th 2016

In the first installment of What X Buys for the new year, UrbanTurf looks in the $550,000 range to see what homes DC buyers with this budget can expec... read»

What Around $800,000 Buys You in the DC Area

What Around $800,000 Buys You in the DC Area

Tianna Mañón | November 24th 2015

In this week's What X Buys, UrbanTurf looks in the $800,000 range to see what homes DC buyers can expect to find at this price point. ... read»

What Between $1.15M and $1.25M Buys You in DC

What Between $1.15M and $1.25M Buys You in DC

Tianna Mañón | November 5th 2015

In this week's What X Buys You, UrbanTurf looks in the $1.15 million to $1.25 million range to see what a DC buyer can find with this budget. ... read»

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