Urban Institute

Following are all UrbanTurf articles filed under Urban Institute, from most recent to least.

With Nearly Half of DC Renters Rent-Burdened, Urban Institute Recommends Federal Housing Relief

With Nearly Half of DC Renters Rent-Burdened, Urban Institute Recommends Federal Housing Relief

Nena Perry-Brown | August 10th 2020

Maryland and DC are two areas hardest hit by the pandemic-amplifying housing crisis.... read»

Two Reports Offer Perspective on How Opportunity Zones are Falling Short

Two Reports Offer Perspective on How Opportunity Zones are Falling Short

Nena Perry-Brown | June 22nd 2020

Both the National Community Reinvestment Coalition and Urban Institute recently noted how OZs are performing in unexpected ways.... read»

Eviction Moratorium Covers One in Four Rental Units Nationwide

Eviction Moratorium Covers One in Four Rental Units Nationwide

Nena Perry-Brown | April 7th 2020

FHFA's mortgage forbearance-for-eviction moratorium policy during the pandemic was codified in the federal CARES Act.... read»

Montgomery County Approves Plan to Add 10,000 Homes By 2030

Montgomery County Approves Plan to Add 10,000 Homes By 2030

Nena Perry-Brown | November 7th 2019

The target specifies 1,000 additional units each for the cities of Gaithersburg and Rockville.... read»

DC Area Homeownership Gap Going Opposite Direction than Rest of the Country

DC Area Homeownership Gap Going Opposite Direction than Rest of the Country

Nena Perry-Brown | October 16th 2019

Last year, UrbanTurf reported on the racial homeownership gap in the DC area, one of the smallest nationwide. Since then, the local gap has actually g... read»

The DC Area Has a Deficit of Over 200,000 Housing Units for Lowest Income Households

The DC Area Has a Deficit of Over 200,000 Housing Units for Lowest Income Households

Nena Perry-Brown | September 4th 2019

A new report by the Urban Institute illustrates the severity of the lack of supply of affordable housing in the DC area.... read»

DC Releases Findings on Need for Family-Sized Residential Units

DC Releases Findings on Need for Family-Sized Residential Units

Nena Perry-Brown | June 25th 2019

DMPED just released a report taking stock of the city's inventory of family-sized units and what can be done to course-correct.... read»

30 Percent of DC Area Renters Can Afford to Buy in the Region

30 Percent of DC Area Renters Can Afford to Buy in the Region

Nena Perry-Brown | March 7th 2019

A recent analysis by the Urban Institute examines how affordable it is for renters in the DC area to buy a house.... read»

How a Desire to Live in DC is Hindering Millennial Homeownership

How a Desire to Live in DC is Hindering Millennial Homeownership

Nena Perry-Brown | July 18th 2018

Urban Institute's study of millennial homeownership takes a look at how the generation's preference for city living is keeping them from buying homes.... read»

DC's Failing Score on Inclusivity

DC's Failing Score on Inclusivity

Nena Perry-Brown | April 30th 2018

A new study by the Urban Institute shows that DC is below-par when compared to the nation's other largest cities in ensuring inclusivity.... read»

Pipeline: New Condos & Apartments Coming to the DC Area

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