What's Hot: A Look at the Alternatives to a 30-Year Mortgage | Victoria's Secret Looks Poised To Return To Georgetown
The Atlantic
Following are all UrbanTurf articles filed under The Atlantic, from most recent to least.

Millennials Aren't Really Living in Their Parents' Basements, They're Just Going to College
Lark Turner | July 7th 2014
The uptick in millennials "living with their parents" may be due to a Census quirk.... read»

The Atlantic: How the Recession Changed Us
UrbanTurf Staff | January 11th 2011
In what is perhaps the coolest collection of statistical graphics we have seen in the past 12 months, The Atlantic has an "infographic" in its latest ... read»
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When it comes to financing a home purchase, a 30-year mortgage is one of the most com... read »

While the buildings at The Wharf are generally all finished, there are still a couple... read »

Approximately 34% of renters in the DC region are looking for rentals in other metro ... read »

The Sidney is currently offering special pre-sale pricing, a 2.25% seller credit, and... read »

How RTO is affecting the DC real estate market; developers push for reforms around mu... read »
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