Palisades Home Prices

Following are all UrbanTurf articles filed under Palisades Home Prices, from most recent to least.

Prices Up And Sales Follow Suit: The Palisades Housing Market, By the Numbers

Prices Up And Sales Follow Suit: The Palisades Housing Market, By the Numbers

UrbanTurf Staff | June 12th 2023

Like many other neighborhoods around DC, prices have risen modestly in Palisades so far in 2023. Unlike most other neighborhoods, home sales did not d... read»

The Fastest Moving Prices in DC: The Palisades Market, By the Numbers

The Fastest Moving Prices in DC: The Palisades Market, By the Numbers

UrbanTurf Staff | May 18th 2022

There are two main things happening in the housing market for this upper NW DC neighborhood: prices have risen the most of any neighborhood in the cit... read»

Detached in Demand: The Palisades Housing Market, By the Numbers

Detached in Demand: The Palisades Housing Market, By the Numbers

UrbanTurf Staff | August 17th 2021

UrbanTurf continues its annual look at the neighborhood housing markets around the DC region, as we head over to the Palisades.... read»

A 33% Jump: The Palisades Housing Market, By the Numbers

A 33% Jump: The Palisades Housing Market, By the Numbers

UrbanTurf Staff | August 10th 2020

The theme of the Palisades housing market in 2020, like many places across DC, is rising prices and low supply.... read»

Pipeline: New Condos & Apartments Coming to the DC Area

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