
Home Prices

Following are all UrbanTurf articles filed under Home Prices, from most recent to least.

Do Google Searches Predict the Direction of Home Prices?

Do Google Searches Predict the Direction of Home Prices?

UrbanTurf Staff | June 13th 2011

A report from the Bank of England concludes that there is "a strong correlation" between Google searches for the term "estate agents" and the trajecto... read»

WSJ: First-Time and Downsizing Buyers Keep DC Market Healthy

WSJ: First-Time and Downsizing Buyers Keep DC Market Healthy

Mark Wellborn | June 2nd 2011

The Wall Street Journal has an article in today's edition that examines the relatively healthy state of the DC housing market compared to the rest of ... read»

UrbanTurf Reader Asks: Who Is The Authority on Housing Prices?

UrbanTurf Reader Asks: Who Is The Authority on Housing Prices?

UrbanTurf Staff | January 5th 2011

In this week’s installment of UrbanTurf Reader Asks, a reader inquires as to what is the most trustworthy resource when it comes to home values.... read»

Inflation, Taxes, Cap Rate: Basic Concepts Homeowners Should Keep in Mind

Inflation, Taxes, Cap Rate: Basic Concepts Homeowners Should Keep in Mind

Mark Wellborn | September 13th 2010

The Washington Post had an excellent article in this past Saturday's edition that discusses some economic concepts that should be kept in mind when co... read»

Home Sales Drop Sharply in May

Home Sales Drop Sharply in May

Mark Wellborn | June 23rd 2010

As expected, home sales across the country dropped significantly in May. Sales fell almost 33% from April, according to the Commerce Department. ... read»

UrbanTurf Reader Asks: What Are the Best Investment Potential Calculators?

UrbanTurf Reader Asks: What Are the Best Investment Potential Calculators?

UrbanTurf Staff | March 29th 2010

In this week’s installment of UrbanTurf Reader Asks, a couple who is entertaining the idea of selling their Cleveland Park condo and moving to C... read»

Housing is Now Cheap -- Or is It?

Housing is Now Cheap -- Or is It?

Mark Wellborn | December 30th 2009

Brett Arends, The Wall Street Journal columnist who we believe does a great job of explaining financial issues in layman’s terms, declared today... read»

DC Real Estate Guides

Short guides to navigating the DC-area real estate market

We've collected all our helpful guides for buying, selling and renting in and around Washington, DC in one place. Start browsing below!