
Following are all UrbanTurf articles filed under Flum, from most recent to least.

DC Council Approves Amended Comprehensive Plan

DC Council Approves Amended Comprehensive Plan

Nena Perry-Brown | May 18th 2021

The amendment process started five years ago.... read»

More Development on Connecticut Avenue? ANC 3C Passes Pro-Density Resolution

More Development on Connecticut Avenue? ANC 3C Passes Pro-Density Resolution

Nena Perry-Brown | February 18th 2021

ANC 3C approved a resolution in favor of the Office of Planning's suggestion to increase the density prescription for a commercial stretch of Connecti... read»

Union Market Property Owner Seeks High-Density Designation

Union Market Property Owner Seeks High-Density Designation

Nena Perry-Brown | December 11th 2019

As the public continues to weigh in on proposed amendments to the Comprehensive Plan, another site is coming to the fore for a potential development.... read»

Pipeline: New Condos & Apartments Coming to the DC Area

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