English Basement

Following are all UrbanTurf articles filed under English Basement, from most recent to least.

First-Timer Primer: Renting Out Your Basement

First-Timer Primer: Renting Out Your Basement

Lark Turner | June 7th 2016

UrbanTurf talked to a reader who recently bought a house with a rentable English basement for details on what to consider in this scenario.... read»

Zoning Changes in Depth: Accessory Apartments

Zoning Changes in Depth: Accessory Apartments

Nena Perry-Brown | January 19th 2016

UrbanTurf is taking a closer look at the zoning changes that will go into effect in September. This week, we look at changes related to accessory apar... read»

Pipeline: New Condos & Apartments Coming to the DC Area

DC Real Estate Guides

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