Dc Tax Abatement

Following are all UrbanTurf articles filed under Dc Tax Abatement, from most recent to least.

DC Mayor's Proposed Budget Includes Tax Break for Affordable Housing

DC Mayor's Proposed Budget Includes Tax Break for Affordable Housing

Nena Perry-Brown | May 19th 2020

The tax abatement incentivizes affordable housing production in planning areas where it is sparse.... read»

Why DC's Line Hotel is Operating Sans Certificate of Occupancy

Why DC's Line Hotel is Operating Sans Certificate of Occupancy

Nena Perry-Brown | July 27th 2018

A recent zoning application inadvertently offers an explanation for why The Line lacks a C of O.... read»

Answers Sought as to Whether The Line Hotel in DC Has Earned Tax Abatements

Answers Sought as to Whether The Line Hotel in DC Has Earned Tax Abatements

Nena Perry-Brown | June 8th 2018

Ward 1 Councilmember Nadeau is seeking an investigation into whether The Line is attempting to skirt their required hiring quotas and community benefi... read»

UrbanTurf Reader Asks: What is the DC Tax Abatement Process Like?

UrbanTurf Reader Asks: What is the DC Tax Abatement Process Like?

UrbanTurf Staff | November 1st 2010

In this installment of UrbanTurf Reader Asks, a reader inquires about specifics related to the DC Tax Abatement program and the experience of dealing ... read»

DC Tax Abatement: No Property Taxes for 5 Years

DC Tax Abatement: No Property Taxes for 5 Years

Joe Marhamati | May 19th 2010

DC has a program for homeowners that offers a better deal for some prospective buyers than the $8,000 federal tax credit and the $5,000 DC credit comb... read»

Pipeline: New Condos & Apartments Coming to the DC Area

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