Dc Budget

Following are all UrbanTurf articles filed under Dc Budget, from most recent to least.

North Capitol Street Deckover Could Get Public Funding

North Capitol Street Deckover Could Get Public Funding

Nena Perry-Brown | June 7th 2021

The deckover would serve as an activated park with a "streetcar café" near Rhode Island Avenue, lawn and seating areas, an amphitheater, a children's... read»

DC Councilmember Requests Georgetown-Rosslyn Gondola Funds

DC Councilmember Requests Georgetown-Rosslyn Gondola Funds

Nena Perry-Brown | March 26th 2021

The budget request seeks funding for an environmental impact statement necessary to get the transit option between Georgetown and Rosslyn off the grou... read»

DC Mayor's Proposed Budget Includes Tax Break for Affordable Housing

DC Mayor's Proposed Budget Includes Tax Break for Affordable Housing

Nena Perry-Brown | May 19th 2020

The tax abatement incentivizes affordable housing production in planning areas where it is sparse.... read»

Pipeline: New Condos & Apartments Coming to the DC Area

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