Dc Architecture

Following are all UrbanTurf articles filed under Dc Architecture, from most recent to least.

An Interview With the Architect of DC's Shipping Container Apartments

An Interview With the Architect of DC's Shipping Container Apartments

UrbanTurf Staff | October 30th 2014

UrbanTurf recently chatted with DC-based Travis Price about the state of DC architecture, the trend of super-small living and this idea he has for flo... read»

Tudor, Federal, Bungalows: Taking Stock of DC's Architectural Styles

Tudor, Federal, Bungalows: Taking Stock of DC's Architectural Styles

UrbanTurf Staff | October 15th 2013

Since we spend so much time highlighting properties across DC, UrbanTurf wanted to define a few of the most popular architectural styles found in the ... read»

Pipeline: New Condos & Apartments Coming to the DC Area

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