
Following are all UrbanTurf articles filed under Crime, from most recent to least.

A Look at DC's 14-Year Drop in Crime

A Look at DC's 14-Year Drop in Crime

UrbanTurf Staff | August 11th 2015

A study recently released by the Urban Institute tracks the city's declining crime rate over the last two decades. ... read»

DC Crime Map Back Up and Running

DC Crime Map Back Up and Running

Shilpi Paul | April 1st 2013

The DC Metropolitan Police Department has relaunched a tool that may be the definitive source of crime knowledge in the city. After a couple spotty ye... read»

How to Research Crime in DC

How to Research Crime in DC

Shilpi Paul | July 11th 2012

Judging the safety of your neighborhood (or a neighborhood that you would like to move into) can be difficult. Anecdotal evidence can loom disproporti... read»

A Car Break-In and the Power of an iPad App

A Car Break-In and the Power of an iPad App

Shilpi Paul | March 30th 2012

In a slight departure from all things residential real estate, UrbanTurf shares a story about gardening, Truxton Circle, a car break-in and an iPad ap... read»

Proven: Green Spaces Equal Lower Crime

Proven: Green Spaces Equal Lower Crime

Shilpi Paul | November 22nd 2011

Social scientists and armchair anthropologists have long been touting theories that draw a certain causal relationship: beautify your public spaces an... read»

Burglaries and Thefts on the Rise in DC

Burglaries and Thefts on the Rise in DC

Mark Wellborn | March 28th 2011

Property crimes, specifically burglaries and thefts, have risen notably in the District in 2011, The Washington Post reports. ... read»

Study Calls Near Southeast One of Country's Most Dangerous Neighborhoods

Study Calls Near Southeast One of Country's Most Dangerous Neighborhoods

Mark Wellborn | October 4th 2010

Near Southeast has been identified as one of the country's most dangerous neighborhoods, according to But don't start packing your bags... read»

FBI: Crime Way Down in DC

FBI: Crime Way Down in DC

Mark Wellborn | May 24th 2010

Statistics released today by the Federal Bureau of Investigation show that crime dropped significantly in DC between 2008 and 2009. More after the jum... read»

Metro Riders: Watch Your iPods

Metro Riders: Watch Your iPods

Mark Wellborn | January 29th 2010

Data released by Metro transit police recently shows that crime on the Metro system, specifically robberies, has increased significantly over the last... read»

UrbanTurf Reader Asks: Have Dupont Circle and Kalorama Seen an Uptick in Crime?

UrbanTurf Reader Asks: Have Dupont Circle and Kalorama Seen an Uptick in Crime?

Mark Wellborn | December 2nd 2009

In this week’s installment of UrbanTurf Reader Asks, a woman looking to buy in Dupont Circle or Kalorama wonders if the crime level, specificall... read»

Pipeline: New Condos & Apartments Coming to the DC Area

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