Bethesda Luxury Real Estate

Following are all UrbanTurf articles filed under Bethesda Luxury Real Estate, from most recent to least.

Fingerprint Entry, Not One But Two Pools: The Details of a $15 Million Bethesda Estate

Fingerprint Entry, Not One But Two Pools: The Details of a $15 Million Bethesda Estate

UrbanTurf Staff | September 19th 2022

The home, which will hit the market later this week, will be the most expensive house on the market in Montgomery County.... read»

$18 Million: Bethesda Mansion Becomes Montgomery County's Most Expensive Home

$18 Million: Bethesda Mansion Becomes Montgomery County's Most Expensive Home

UrbanTurf Staff | April 7th 2016

The 20,000 square-foot home offers an indoor basketball court, a wine tasting room, and eight garages. ... read»

Pipeline: New Condos & Apartments Coming to the DC Area

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