

Following are all UrbanTurf articles filed under Affordability, from most recent to least.

DC-Area Renters Pay $8,313 More Annually in Rent Now Than 20 Years Ago

DC-Area Renters Pay $8,313 More Annually in Rent Now Than 20 Years Ago

Nena Perry-Brown | December 1st 2017

A new study by Zillow shows that DC-area renters pay 8.5 percent more of their income on housing now than they did in 1985-2000.... read»

DC Has the 12th Least-Affordable Housing Market in North America

DC Has the 12th Least-Affordable Housing Market in North America

Nena Perry-Brown | November 27th 2017

A recent study reveals that the housing market in DC proper is severely unaffordable by international standards.... read»

The Difference That Seven Years Makes in DC's Housing Market

The Difference That Seven Years Makes in DC's Housing Market

Nena Perry-Brown | September 27th 2017

In light of Census data being released earlier this month, UrbanTurf is taking a look at how the housing stock and affordability of the District has c... read»

New Inclusionary Zoning Rules in DC Will Take Effect in June

New Inclusionary Zoning Rules in DC Will Take Effect in June

Nena Perry-Brown | May 1st 2017

Last summer, the Zoning Commission voted in favor of lowering the standard income threshold for newly-constructed inclusionary zoning rental units, fr... read»

$31 An Hour: The Cost of a Two-Bedroom Rental in the DC Area

$31 An Hour: The Cost of a Two-Bedroom Rental in the DC Area

Nena Perry-Brown | May 26th 2016

A recent report by the National Low Income Housing Coalition shows that fair market housing costs nationwide far exceed what is affordable for minimum... read»

First Timer Primer: The Inclusionary Zoning Process

First Timer Primer: The Inclusionary Zoning Process

Nena Perry-Brown | May 11th 2016

As the city struggles to build and maintain enough affordable housing to keep the DC vibrant, UrbanTurf is taking a closer look at what inclusionary z... read»

Study: DC Area Will Add 410,000 New Households by 2023

Study: DC Area Will Add 410,000 New Households by 2023

Tianna Mañón | June 26th 2015

About a third of the new households will make less than 80 percent of the area median income, according to a study from George Mason University.... read»

Report: 68 Percent of Homes in the DC Area Affordable to Millennials

Report: 68 Percent of Homes in the DC Area Affordable to Millennials

Lark Turner | April 29th 2015

A new Zillow study suggests affordability metro-wide has risen since mid-2013, which could come as news to many on the hunt for a home. ... read»

Affordable Housing is Dwindling in Arlington

Affordable Housing is Dwindling in Arlington

Lark Turner | March 9th 2015

A new report on housing and homelessness in the county found a "precipitous" decline in affordability since 2000.... read»

How Can I Learn About Affordable Units in DC's New Buildings?

How Can I Learn About Affordable Units in DC's New Buildings?

Lark Turner | February 13th 2015

A UT reader wants to know how to find out about affordable units in a brand-new building before they've started leasing.... read»

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